Prohibited Goods

Which goods can be shipped and shipping requirements may vary from destination to destination, local laws and regulations. These standard prohibited commodities lists will help you determine whether or not your product is prohibited for shipment.

  1. Battery or any items that contain batteries.

  2. Flammable goods, aerosols, or any other pressurized containers, alcohol-based products or flammable liquids, explosives, fireworks, and other items of an incendiary or flammable nature.

  3. Weapons, firearms, firearm parts, ammunition, explosives, or explosive devices, and including imitations of same (e.g: toy gun).

  4. Tobacco and tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, loose tobacco, smokeless tobacco, hookah, or shisha.

  5. Electronic cigarettes and their component parts, any other similar device that relies on vaporization or aerosolization, and any noncombustible liquid or gel, regardless of the presence of nicotine, that can be used with any such device.

  6. Food and beverages, including but not limited to: foodstuffs, perishable, animal origin, dairy products, protein powder, plant products, natural spices, and dried products such as coffee, tea, or herbal powder.

  7. Live animals, hunting (animal) trophies, animal parts such as ivory and sharks fin, animal remains, or Animal-by-Products and derived products not intended for human consumption, prohibited for movement by the CITES Convention and/or local law.

  8. Live plants and plant material, including cut flowers.

  9. Human remains or ashes.

  10. Medicines, vitamins, supplements, pills, and/or any other medical, clinical, biological, and pharmaceutical goods.

  11. Cosmetics, oils, shampoo, lotion, spa products, and other chemically-made products, and/or any items in the form of liquid, paste, nectar, gel, cream, crystal, and powder without prior MSDS approval.

  12. Personal effects, unaccompanied baggage, and/or other used items related to relocation.

  13. Money (coins, cash, currency, paper money, and negotiable instruments equivalent to cash such as endorsed stocks, bonds, and cash letters), collectible coins, and stamps.

  14. Passports or other confidential personal documentation without approval.

  15. Credit card.

  16. Bullion of any precious metal.

  17. Loose precious and semi-precious stones.

  18. Irreplaceable items, including but not limited to antiques, paintings, jewelry, precious stones, and other one-of-a-kind items. (Only permitted to be sent at the owner's risk)

  19. Illegal goods, such as narcotics, counterfeit goods, pornography or obscene materials, religious artifacts, lottery tickets, and gambling devices.

  20. High-value electronics, electrical equipment, and musical instruments. (Low-value and non-battery items are allowed. Shipments valued over 1,000 USD are only permitted to be sent at the owner's risk)

  21. Shipments that have a Total Declared Value exceeding US$ 50,000 USD. *All commodities valued over 20,000 USD needs approval prior to Shipment.

  22. Packages that have an Actual Weight or Volumetric Weight of more than 68 kg.

  23. Packages that have any dimension exceeding 300 cm in length, 200 cm in width, or 175 cm in height.

  24. Packages that have "Length + Girth Combined" exceeding 330 cm. “Length + Girth Combined” = Length + (2 x Width) + (2 x Height)

  25. Packages that are wet, leaking, or emit an odor of any kind.

  26. Shipments that require a temperature-controlled environment.

  27. Shipments that have content or external characteristics that may cause delay, or may cause injury to personnel, or may cause damage to property, equipment, or other shipments.

  28. Shipments that require us to obtain any special license or permit for transportation, exportation, or importation.

  29. Other items that are prohibited for export (lartas) under Indonesia National Trade Repository regulations.


Goods listed above are not accepted by UrShipper under any circumstances. This is a result of a policy decision, following the full consideration of Operational, Legal, and Risk Management implications. Please check the Terms & Conditions page for the regulations, liability, and more information related to shipments containing prohibited goods.

The Legal Stuff