Beginning August 1, 2021, a new regulation will require exporters (Sender) and importers (Receiver) in Indonesia to declare their Tax ID Number (NPWP) for all shipments imported into or exported from Indonesia.
This includes all shipments with UrShipper. When you create an account with UrShipper, a copy of your NPWP must be provided on your Account Profile, along with a matching Billing Address. If you do not have an NPWP, the following forms of identification may be used instead:
For Indonesian citizens: KTP
For non-Indonesian citizens: Passport
This new regulation is pursuant to Indonesia Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 158/PMK.04/2017 and Indonesia Directorate General of Customs & Excise Regulation No. PER 11/BC/2020.
Failure to provide the NPWP, KTP, or Passport for any shipment could result in clearance delays and potentially lead to service disruptions.